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Monday, April 7, 2014



Put away perversity from your mouth; keep corrupt talk far from your lips.

There's a reason the Word of God tells us to watch what we are saying out of our mouths.

For if we are speaking positive words in our life or other people's life, than we are bringing in a boat load of blessings, and things that are living.

However, if we are speaking words in our life or other people's life that are negative, than we are bringing in a boat load of trouble and non- producing things.

You see we be  thinking that  when we are talking or gossiping about other people that we are not doing any harm.

Our lives maybe good, we maybe successful and our business adventures may look like they are doing well. Our personal relationships maybe also be going quite well. Everything may appear to be going well.

On the other hand, things could always be better. You could be praying for your business to possibly start growing in a different direction, so that you can have more growth and more clientele,  or maybe you are hoping for something extra special to pop off in your personal life.

All these things are a heavy concern for you.  right? But you cannot get a correct grip on your mouth. That business partner that you probably went into business with, because you didnt have enough funds, or at the time the idea of merging sounded pretty good, because your business ideas were similar.

But lately they have been working your nerves. Therefore,  you have been showing your appreciation by clearing out all the dirt out of your mouth by gossiping about them and others like them non-stop.

Guess what that prayer, that you've been praying, will be a little in the delaying lane, because your mouth, keeps going south.

Letting our mouth run all over the place on other people is wrong. Also, we are tying up and stopping our blessings as well in our lives. It's always a two-way street in everything that we do.

We must start learning  to confront things and people that are bugging us so badly.  By confronting and  dealing with things in our lives frees us up for bigger and better things in life.

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