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Thursday, April 17, 2014


When we were saved by Almighty God sending his Son Jesus Christ to our rescue, it was and still is a beautiful thing. Praise you Jesus!

However, the inside of our cup, will require a little more work, even though we have been called to be free. There's work that needs to be dealt with. Work of releasing us from our flesh, than freedom will start ringing in.

 Ringing into our spirits that the truth sets us free. Therefore, we must begin being truthful  to ourselves. Realizing  that Jesus has come to set the captives free. Free from all the little snares in our life, that's holding us up, and stopping us from progressing. We must do some soul searching.

Freedom consisting in us really living from the inside out, but if our insides are all tied up with our issues and problems from our past, how will we be able to live? Live in the Now, it's impossible.

Therefore, we must acknowledge the fact that we have issues and problems,  and then start taking steps, to rid ourselves of these things.

By finding a support group that fitting for our needs.  We can be involved in more than one support group at a time. But lets us not overwhelm ourselves.  For we are trying to walk in our freedom, we do not want to become entangled again. Step by step. Slowly, this process will  take time.

Whatever, they maybe, I know for me I struggled with unforgiveness, being envious of others, jealousy, bitterness, anger, people pleasing, and just not being able to let go of toxic relationships, fear of failure and fear of success, low self-Esteem, worried about people and what they are  thinking  of me, and no boundaries in my life.

All my issue I have God in prayer. I prayed that he would change me, I prayed that he would start showing me myself, and he has, and it's ugly. Very ugly. But I don't want anymore ownership of things that are not who I was meant to be.

Anything opposite of Our God is not who we were designed to be. It's who the world has turned us into, just so we were able to protect ourselves, and in doing so we turned into monsters, something ugly. Let the demons of yesterday go.

For we are saved now we can start letting this ugly stuff go. By making a list of all the things inside of us that we do like, and we must be honest.  For we are new creatures in Christ Jesus.

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