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Friday, April 18, 2014


Prayer is very important, and we should be starting our day with it. For it's our life line to God.

We should pray without ceasing, it's our way of commumicating with him all throughout the day. God is very interested in hearing about how our day is coming along. He's also willing and able to help us with any concerns that we maybe having, he's there to offer us guidance or wisdom, if we just ask.


Sometimes we may not know what we ought to be praying for and this is okay, for the Holy Spirit always knows what we need, therefore, he's interceding for us. to ensure that are needs are being met.

 Also Jesus Christ has taught us how we should pray. Giving first Almighty God his respect in reverence for him, by saying, " Our Father, who art in heaven Hallowed Be Thine Name."
MATTHEW 6:5-12

After giving reverence and humbling ourselves before God   than we lay our request before him. Whatever our request maybe.

Moreover, we must believe that we received what we asked for without wavering or doubting. Also if we do not receive what we are asking for.  Than we must believe that God is in control and that he knows best for us.
MARK 11:24

Our prayer life with our Lord should be maintained for our entire life.  It's building a solid relationship with our creator and our heavenly Father, who really loves us a lot, and is interested in us 100%

Therefore, we start returning that love by spending quality time with him in prayer everyday.


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