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Friday, April 11, 2014


It's so very important for one to have their own voice. Having your own mouth piece, allows one to be taken more seriously at all times.

We are all made as individuals and not as a clones. God specifically gave each and everyone of us, different finger prints and different D,N.A unless you are a twin, than you will have the same D.N.A. but even twins have their own voice.

For instance I was always listening and doing what everybody wanted me to do. I listened to my siblings and friends,  than when I got married I started  listening to ny husband.

But when I found myself divorced, I was lost, like being thrown out into the streets I had to start finding my own way and my own voice, for there was no one else, but me.

Making decisions were not easy for me at first, but I  started standing , but at the same time I was still looking for someone else's opinion and constantly second guessing myself, I was learning that I had to crawl, before I could actually walk.

Finding my voice for me, was me having  to find my confidence. My assurance of myself and who I was.  Through my personal and business relationships I was able to do just that,  finding me and my stage to finally start standing on, it actually felt good.

I was able to start exerting myself, in the different arenas and situations, through work and home.I was able to say what I liked and what I didnt like.  And I also started liking me. Tracy Mabinton, she has a voice and she has something to say and people are listening to her.

Once you start finding your voice, don't let anyone take it away, for ypu have arrived.

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