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Monday, March 31, 2014


The real key to learning to loving anyone in  our world, is to first start loving ourself.

By loving ourself, we have to be willing to look ourseves in the mirror and start  telling ourselves the truth and nothing but the truth; no matter how painful the process maybe.

It's like an eagle going through the Molting process. We  have to be tired of being tired, and weighed down by the dirt and oil of our lives.

Our life seem to be traveling from city to city, hoping for different results but being tied down by the same familiar results.

Same people and their personalities,  just different faces and names, however, the whole process is leaving you drained and worn out.

Same thing happens with an Eagle.. His wings begin to start becoming weighed down, by his life. Oil and dirt are making it impossible for him to catch any prey; due to the whistling as he's approaching his target.

Just like us human we will start walking aroumd  murmuring and complaining about everything thing that pains us in life. While making it difficult to have any succes.

This person that person,  this situation or that circumstances.   When all the while we really need to look at ourselves.

The eagle will fly up really high and break his beak, and do the same exact thing for his talons, and finishing off the Molting process with plucking away everyone of his all his feathers, which are a lot. I believe around 1700 but don't quote me. plucking off hatred, hopelessness, haplessness, umforgiveness, jealousy, envy, anger and bitterness and on and on.

But in order for us to be able to run, jump, and soar high above the mess that's inside of us we must start with loving ourselves enough, to wear it hurts, by telling the truth about ourselves.

Being truly BLESSED is walking inccomplete freedom; starting with us plucking off everyone of our different personalities,  just so we could survive our only ourselves.

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