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Monday, April 6, 2015

Blessed and Pressed For Being Christianly Dressed


We will be hated to the point of people will be throwing us out of churches and killing us, and thinking that they are doing a service for God. Imagine that.

Well don't imagine it too long. For it's here now. It's happening now. It's been happening. Christians have been getting put out for the real truth. It's because we are blessed!

Christians have been getting killed for our Lord. Evil is very present. Evil is real. Being evilly hated is apart of our Christian walk. These days that we are living in are the very real presence of evil. It's because we are blessed!

The more we start knowing more and more about this marvelous light that we are walking in, this marvelous right, right, right light than we will start looking more and more like Christ on earth, like truth on earth. It's because we are blessed!

The truth will be setting people free, changing their directions, breaking the chains off of them and their family and friends as well, a bringing them back home, to know their Father once again. It's because we are blessed!

This will not be taken so lightly to our enemies, the ones that are hating us, to the ones that are still walking around in untruths and darkness. Pray for them.

It's really crazy and weird for These people that are killing us and trying to kill us, Will be thinking that they are doing our God some good, in their neighborhood, by killing us. It's because we are blessed!

Therefore, brothers and sisters we must be watching, and praying for our times, these times, last days times are very evil, No joke. It's because we are blessed, that people are wanting us off the scene. But keep speaking.

Keep leaking the Word of God. Keep peaking in and out of every Window. And keep squeaking and making all kinds of holy, Holy, Holy noise.


1 TIMOTHY 2:3-5

3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;

4 who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, The man Jesus Christ.


As a believer God has given me and all believers a charge. A charge or command to save those things, like us once upon a time were lost, now that we are saved, We must continue the process of saving and saving more of lost children of God. Jesus said thar, "He did not lose one."

So today, by God's grace. Me being part of the one, that He said " He did not lose one." Am coming here today to find more of my brothers and sisters, that are wanting to be found right now, right this second, right today.

Stop! Doing what you are doing, "You, yeah you. Stop! Start Sitting up, standing up, paying attention up, for Jesus is talking to you. The Holy Spirit is nudging you today, to come on home to Jesus Christ. The Man of God. Right now. He loves you.

If you are drowning in any part of your life. It has kept you under water for awhile now. You can no longer breath fresh air. Fresh air has left you for awhile now. You been walking crawling, and scooting around the same block, same street, same hill for awhile now. Come to Jesus Christ. The Man of God. Right now. He loves you.

You have been powerless for along time now. Your electric Bill is sky high, you have been in the dark for along time. You have lost your way. You have fallen and you can't get up. Getting up is a hassle, because you are tired. You are weary. You have no more strength. Your rent has not been paid for awhile. A running on fumes. Come to Jesus. The Man of God. Right now. He loves you.

If you are truly ready and truly tired, truly have spent your last idea on what you are thinking you can do. You have struck your last match. And you are ready to stop blazing for Satan, and you are ready to set things on fire for the LORD. Thanks repeat after me:

Heavenly Father, who art in heaven. Thank you for choosing and making me to be a number in your kingdom. Father I have been beaten up here ling enough, and I am ready.for my number to count, and to add more to your kingdom.

I am coming to you today, for I am a.sinner. please LORD forgive me of all my sins. I am inviting you into my heart and life. Thank you Father. In Jesus Christ name. Amen.

If you just prayed this prayer. I would like to welcome you into the family of Almighty God.

Please start attending a church, and let them know, that you just received life. Jesus Christ. Thank you.


JOHN 16:2-4

2 They shall put you out of the.synagogues; yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth. God service.

3 And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father nor me.

4 But these things I told you, that when the time come, ye may remember that I told you of them. And these things I said not unto you at the beginning, because I was with you.


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