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Monday, July 28, 2014

Blessed Saints Let No One Tell You, You Aints

Blessed Saints let no one ever tell you that you aints blessed. For by God's Grace you traveled a rough road, and you are still winning the race from Hell and sinning.  Just in case you did not know,  you have life now. Life in abundance.


Blessed Saints this life God has  provided for you all the things you have gone through.  Very rough, yes indeed. But no need to worry.  For God has stored in you great things to do. A Minister a Prophet, Apostle a Teacher or a Preacher, a great tool you are for Almighty God. Hang in there!


Blessed Saints hold on to what God has given you, he has given you wisdom, insight, joy abounding and keys that only you can use, to unlock the doors that He has trained you behind, all your life, so that one day, you would be His wife

Blessed, blessed, blessed Saints God aints never disowned you, for He loves you too much and besides He can never disown Himself.

Blessed my child you are blessed!!!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Early Morning Planting

Walking with God is the greatest walk ever that as Saints we really can enjoy.

For taking walks with God in His Kingdom comes with so many benefits and promises.

One of the benefits are as His children we can plant God's Word every day in our lives and whatever we plant it  is guaranteed to come back to us. Now this should be some praise jumping up and down news. Hallueiah!!!! Thank you Jesus!

We can be planting,  JEREMIAH 29:11, DEUTERONOMY 28:1-6 MALACHI 3:8-10, MATTHEW 6:33, PHILIPPIANS 4:19, and PSALM 1:1

This is just a few but we have 66 books in the Bible to choose from so we can go browsing around and getting full as we keep searching, meditating and studying the precious Word of God.

Therefore, start your planting early in the morning and who knows by evening time you may have your answer from our loving, giving and compassionate Almighty God.

Monday, July 7, 2014


Our lives as blessed saints have been completely restored. Restored in every way. Every way of what was once dead is now has been made alive again.

Relationships with ourselves and with others are made brand new. With our participation of walking in nothing but the truth so help you through God, can and will start  allowing and helping you start  experiencing newness in this area of your life.

Our businesses and professional lives restored. New doors of favor and new doors of opportunities are opening up for you right now.

Restoration requires of you to just keep on walking and talking new life into our situations and into our circumstances. New life, a new love, and a new light.

Believing that you are changing, will start and keep rearranging you into the beautiful and
wonderfully creatively person that God has called you to become along time ago.